The year, 2017, marked the 250th anniversary of the town of Westport in Ireland. To celebrate this significant milestone, there was a fantastic Airshow on May 14th 2017. The ASG team was on-site to ensure that the show was conducted safely and efficiently.
The lineup included the Breitling Wingwalkers, the world's only aerobatic formation wingwalking team; Catalina Flying Boat, the most-built flying boat of World War II; The Strikemaster, a British jet-powered training and light attack aircraft; and the Irish Historic Flight Foundation - the Boeing Stearman Biplane and the Chipmunks will be showcased by the Foundation.
The display was supported by Mayo County Council, Westport House, tourism bodies in Westport, elected councillors, and the Chamber of Commerce. Visit for further information. For further information on our services, e-mail us on [email protected], or call us on +353 1 6859021.