In just a few seconds, our students can now easily register for our classes through our new online booking portal and synch these bookings to their smartphone. With our class places limited to ensure the best possible student experience, students can now reserve their place months in advance and make plans to facilitate their work and personal committments. In advance of their classes, students will also be provided with important pre-class information such as pre-module assignments, instructor details, and class links for those who choose to join our classes remotely instead of physically attending at our state-of-the art Dublin facility.
#classbooking #aviationschooloftheyear #atpl #studentexperience #continuousimprovement #ASG #ASGATO #Crewlife #Pilottraining #StudentPilot #AirlinePilot #Groundschool #EASA #TraineePilot #ATPL #ATPLs #ATPLtheory #ATPLexams #Airline #Flying #Pilot #FlyinginIreland #OnlineATPL #DistanceLearning #Hybridclassroom #VirtualATPL #PPL #PrivatePilot #PPLtheory