The aim of the course was to provide in-depth theoretical knowledge in subjects relevant to SAR Aviation Tasking and Co-ordination (SATaC). Some of the subjects included: Operational Risk Management, Meteorology, Navigation and map-reading, Principles of Flight / Mass & Balance, Flight Planning, Air Law, Communications, Operational Procedures, Human Factors and Crew Resource Management (CRM), SAR Operations, Fatigue Risk Management and Flight Time Limitations.
We are very proud to be assisting Ireland's front line services with critical training of this nature. The Irish Coast Guard which co-ordinates all Search and Rescue (SAR) services for Ireland 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. This was also the first time in over 18 months that we have delivered this course "in-class", at the Department of Transport, having delivered it remotely since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
#IRCG #ASG #SATAC #SAR #Helicopter